60 research outputs found

    Strategi Pembangunan Islam Di Aceh Pasca Tsunami Menuju Terwujudnya Masyarakat Religius

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    : Islamic Development Strategy in Post-Tsunami Aceh towards Establishing Religious Society. Since Indonesian independence to the reformation era the development in Aceh has undergone changable rise and fall. In such history long-lasting conflict, be it vertically between the people and the government of the Republic of Indonesia or horizontally amongst the society had repeatedly happened. The tsunami of 2004 put the burden of Acehnese people even heavier, but at the same time it throw light into the importance of reconstructing Aceh in the framework of Islamic and Indonesian ways of life. In the post tsunami, the reconstruction of Aceh has become the most discussed topic. In this context, this essay extensively discusses the strategy of reconstruction in Aceh which mainly focus on: First, writing the blueprint of the Islamic teaching experience that should become as a guideline for peoples' daily lives. Second, planning development program based on the Islamic development principles. Third, establishing an accountable and good governance

    Nilai-nilai Pembangunan Islam Dalam Masyarakat Gayo

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    : The Values of Islamic Development in Gayo Society. The system of Indonesian Gayo culture has spiritual dimension of value and virtuous character (akhlâq al-karîmah) orientation. Such cultural values form the relationship of living together based on the principles of Islamic shariah. This paper is aimed at analyzing and reconstructing Gayo cultural values perceived to be relevant with Islamic teaching. The author finds that the values of Gayo culture that includesmukemel (low hearted and honor),setie (faithful),semayang/gemasih (affection), mandate,genap mupakat (consolidation), alang tulung beret berbantu (helpful), bersikemelen (competitive) have spiritual values for Gayo society. Such value systems according to the author run parallel with the teachings of Islam. The synergy of Islam and the cultural values of Islam is finally hoped to be capable of producing perfect man oral-insân al-kâmil within Gayo society. And for this to be realized, there should be a more serious attempt to implement such cultural values at the practical level

    Acuan Pembangunan Aceh Pasca Tsunami Ke Arah Pembangunan Berasaskan Islam

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    Reference of Development in the Post-Tsunami Aceh: An Analysis Toward Islamic Based Development. Tsunami disaster occurred in Aceh causes not only in the lost of a great number lives but also in very serious destruction of infrastructure and every aspect of lives. Thus, in post Tsunami, rebuilding Aceh becomes the priority of the government. This article tries to analytically describe various government programs in rebuilding Aceh in the post Tsunami. In such a context, the author argues that besides referring to national development program (Propenas) rebuilding Aceh also refer to the regulation of Qanun of Aceh, a regulation of which constitutes the principles of Islamic teachings to be used as a blue print for rehabilitating and reconstructing in the post-Tsunami Aceh

    Analisis Kelayakan USAha Agroindustri Gula Kelapa di Desa Panerusan Kulon Kecamatan Susukan Kabupaten Banjarnegara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya biaya produksi, pendapatan yang diterima pengrajin serta kelayakan ekonomi USAha agroindustri gula kelapa di Desa Panerusan Kulon Kecamatan Susukan Kabupaten Banjarnegara. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei diskriptif dengan pemilihan lokasi penelitian secara purposive sampling. Sampel penelitian diambil secara stratified random sampling yaitu sebanyak 25 pengrajin untuk pemilik penderes dan 7 pengrajin untuk penggaduh. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan kuesioner yang telah disiapkan, dan selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis kuantitatif sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biaya yang dikeluarkan pemilik penderes sebesar Rp.618.388,35/bulan dan penggaduh sebesar Rp.413.642,76/bulan. Pendapatan pemilik penderes sebesar Rp.262.551,65/bulan dan penggaduh sebesar Rp.105.957,24/bulan. Nilai rata-rata R/C untuk pemilik penderes sebesar 2,86 sedangkan penggaduh sebesar 2,53

    Kinerja dan Kemandirian Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten Ciamis dan Kabupaten Tasikmalaya Tahun 2005 dan 2006

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    The purposes of this research are to analyze how regional government optimizes their regional financial and its influence to the increasing level of Domestic Product Regional Bruto, and also to analyze the independency level in Ciamis and Tasikmalaya Region. The method analysis used in this research are Regional Independency Model (RFIR and four regional Independency model by LPEM FEUI team model) and Harmonizing Ratio that consist of DER (Development Expenditure Ratio) and RER (Routine Expenditure Ratio).According to analysis result of Development Expenditure Ratio (DER) and Routine Expenditure Ratio (RER), it notified that Ciamis and Tasikmalaya region tends to be increase in the term of development expenditure and decrease in the term of routine expenditure. But in the term of those development fund allocation notified that it have not prioritized in potential sectors is the potential sector in Domestic Product Regional Bruto. Agriculture, Trade and Service sector is the potential sector in Domestic Product Regional Bruto but only accept less than ten percent total of regional development expenditure. This research implies that, for the next period is still need effort to improve the sources of acceptance from Regional Origin Income by intensification and extensification of Regional Origin Income. Beside that, to improve the capability of region independency can be done by developing and improving regional potencies. Both of region also have to regulate the developing expenditure allocation so that the budget can be allocated to the potential sectors for the Domestic Product Regional Bruto growth, so it can stimulate the growth improvement of Regional Origin Income

    Strategy and Policy for Empowerment of Duck Farming Business in Brebes Sub-District, Brebes Regency

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    This study aimed to determine appropriate strategies and policies for empowerment of duck farming business in Brebes Sub-District, Brebes Regency. The method of this study was survey using stratified random sampling with the sample size of 52 laying duck farmers. Data taken in the form of primary and secondary data were analyzed using SWOT analysis. The result indicated that duck farming business did not have Economic Institutions, it was an individual, dependent and unprofessional business because it depended on the middlemen. It can be said that duck farming business in Brebes Regency was a livestock labor business. The strategies and policies for empowerment of duck farming business in Brebes sub-district Brebes Regency included the provision of livestock area facility, waste management, capital, livestock management and development of marketing centers for processed duck meat and eggs products
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